Written by 09:21 Deneme

From earth, on existence VI

What do you live for? What connects you to life as you start your day each morning? Do you have a dream?

Pandemic pushed the world to isolation, social distance and lockdown in homes. This period, in which we have frozen our social relations and restricted our mobility, had individual and social effects. Our perception of space and time has changed. Our questions and problems about the universe, nature and existence have diversified or deepened. Perhaps it is time to ask questions to life like why and how right after the days when the reality of death shook the world.

In order to get answers with traces of different beliefs, different cultures and social structures, we asked our friends from different parts of the world to these questions: what do you live for? What connects you to life as you start your day each morning? Do you have a dream? Do you think the pandemic affected the answers to these questions and your perspective on life?

Madhuvanthi Srinivasan writes from Mumbai, India for Gergedan.

My hope for life certainly is my dreams & my loved ones. I am fighting the virus & the pandemic, as a frontline worker, for the last four months. After two weeks of falling sick like never before, I stood up & went to work. This is what I live for. Amid the pandemic, amid the uncertainty, my zest for life, my dreams hasn’t reduced, a bit.

It is this zest & these dreams that encourages me to start my day each morning. Not saying this for the heck of it. My greatest dream in life is to report & travel across the Middle East. Visit Istanbul, Beirut, Baghdad & Damascus and I have no plans to go anywhere before fulfilling my dream.

It will be a lie, if I say I’ve not had difficult days & bouts of anxiety. But, the pandemic, for once, had me value my loved ones, my family, my home, more. Honest confession, here. It has made me realize the value of good health. You know the finding happiness in small things realization has happened during the pandemic. My perspective of life has definitely & clearly changed.

Madhuvanthi Srinivasan, India

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